Feb 28 | Written By Jenn Kautsch
Have you ever woken up with good intentions in the morning, then throughout the day you start to wane and eventually give in to your cravings?
Where you try your hardest but your willpower muscles start to give out?!
That is decision fatigue…
We make a lot of little decisions throughout the day (like what am I going to wear, where do I park) plus the big ones and it all starts to add up.
Usually, by 5 o’clock it’s easy to be so fatigued in decision-making for that day and if you've left yourself a daily decision of whether to drink or not, the chances are actually much higher than you will give in.
When I first stopped drinking my first goal was 6 weeks.
I don't know about you but I didn't want to say never forever or always so I set an amount of time and I pre-decided.
This could be a goal for something like a dry January, the 21 Day Reset Challenge with Sober Sis, or Whole 30 it is much easier to just decide once…
Rather than deciding over and over again!
If you take the decision-making out of something that you have to decide every single day all day you're going to find it so much easier.
I did this in a very practical way…
You know like they always say never go to the grocery store when you're hungry?
I’ve learned, never go to the grocery store that sells alcohol if you're on the fence.
I did my strong decision-making and even put myself in more tempting situations earlier on in the day while I still had the energy to follow through with what I'd already decided.
For me, that looked like going to the grocery store at 10 a.m. right after working out, so I could go while I was feeling good about my intentions.
This really helped to back up the decision that I'd already made.
Time blocking is a great tool to avoid keeping all the tabs in your mind open throughout the day.
It really helps with not feeling that mental fatigue or brain fog that can cause you to give in.
When I time block, my mind stays in that way of thinking for an amount of time and then I close that ‘tab’ and move on to the next.
VS keeping all the tabs open all day and then when it comes time for wine o’clock, no wonder you're spent and exhausted.
I’ve learned I can't keep all my tabs running and keep making decisions all day every day because I was always feeling decision fatigue.
When taking a break from alcohol it's so much easier to pre-decide and have tools that back up that decision with commitment.
If you find yourself running into decision fatigue and you want more support to effectively combat it… without white-knuckling it…
I invite you to join us for the next 21 Day Reset Challenge and start getting connected right away!
I hope you’ll consider joining us!
Your sis,
Jenn 💕
Written By Jenn Kautsch
Your sober minded sis!
Break free with the 21 Day Reset Challenge.
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