Jan 17 | Written By Jenn Kautsch

4 Key MINDSET Shifts To Build A NEW Routine With Alcohol

Are you like most people (like I used to be) and make big resolutions at the beginning of a new year…

Or a new month…

Or even a new week, saying “I’ll start on Monday”.

Instead of trying to make new resolutions, focus on making NEW ROUTINES.

Let me explain because this has been a huge secret to my SUCCESS in creating an alcohol-free life.

When we create resolutions we are creating an all-or-nothing situation.


When we create routines, we are taking bite-size pieces and cut them down even smaller.

It can be overwhelming to think of making a big change all at once but actually feels doable to think about making small changes one day at a time.

One thing that has really helped me is my MINDSET.

A lot of times when we create a resolution or something that has a lot of performance and pressure weighted on it.

Then when we start to struggle or slip up we may think “that’s it, I can't do it”.

Leading you to walk away from your goals.

Instead of trying to change everything at once, I'm going to try to change one little thing at a time.

When you're trying to change your relationship with alcohol though, you can't just take alcohol out and leave a void.

You have to have something to fill that space or time in your routine.

It’s exciting because you can change it to make it something healthy instead.

So when you're changing your relationship with alcohol…

There are 4 key mindset shifts that will help you create your NEW routine.

#1. Pre-decide.

I have found it is truly easier to make one decision and pre-decided.

Rather than multiple decisions throughout the day.

It is much harder if you are trying to decide when I'm in the heat of the moment.

Do we want it to be easy now, continue the routine that is not working for us, and face what is hard later…

Or maybe a little bit hard now, choosing to be intentional and take a break, for it to be easy later?

It is all about momentum.

#2. Focus on what you're gaining.

Instead of focusing on what you're losing…

Well, really you're not losing anything except for maybe a hangover/ the 3 a.m. wake-up call.

Focus on what you’re gaining.

Oh my goodness you're gaining a better night's sleep, more energy the next day, a clearer mind, etc.

#3. Have alternatives on hand.

This is an important step.

Really with alcohol, we want to keep our current routine but change it to a healthier habit.

I have seen so many drink alternatives that would just absolutely blow your mind how many options there are available out there.

#4. New routines take practice.

There's lots of grace and compassion when creating a new routine.

If you don't do your routine perfectly one day, you can try again the next day.

This has really helped me, even in this past month while I was doing a fitness challenge with myself. I had support and I had accountability but it was really more about me showing up for myself and keeping promises to myself.

I made it where I really couldn't fail if I was engaging, showing up, and trying.

I didn't make it based on my feelings or on the weather that day or if I was in the mood but what I did was set the fitness goal to go to the gym for just 15 minutes a day for a whole month.

I didn't attach any outcomes to that…

It wasn’t about weight loss, amount of reps, or how many calories are burned.

All I did was change my ROUTINE and created the daily habit of working out.

That is what makes a difference and that's really the vibe of our tribe in Sober Sis.

Sober Sis is all about progress over perfection and creating new routines versus big resolutions.

We do talk about this more in the 21-day reset.

Join us if you are interested in learning more on how to really create a lifestyle where you're mindful and get support in creating these new routines.

Your sis,


Written By Jenn Kautsch

Your sober minded sis!

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